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James T. Davis, First "Official" KIA In Republic of Vietnam

Tom Davis was killed in action when the ARVN PRD (portable readio direction finder) team he was advising was ambushed on December 22, 1961 and was designated as the first U.S. Serviceman Killed In Action (KIA) in the Republic of Vietnam

When I was going through direction finding school in 1959/60 he was one of the junior instructors at G Division of the school in Fort Devens. I can not say I knew him, but only knew of him or who he was and like many, probably, easily recalled him when the news of his death filtered through the ASA ranks, and especially through the MOS 056 direction finders.

The Old Spooks & Spies web site has probably the best and most complete information regarding all the details surrounding the ambush and aftermath and I suggest you follow the link to their site for a more complete understanding of that day in December, 1961